

2012-12-09 来源:sohu

申请Duke MMS 第一轮的同学们注意了,学校已经开始发面试邀请了。和大家分享下邀请的信息,积攒些RP,希望我面试表现出色,顺利拿到dream school 的录取,请大家祝福我吧,哈哈!

Dear B****,

Thank you for your interest in The Master of Management Studies (MMS): Foundations of Business program at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. We have reviewed your application for admission and would like to extend you an invitation to interview for Round 1.

I am pleased to have assigned you an interviewer. Your interviewer will be Admissions Officer and MMS.

Please e-mail a copy of your resume to your interviewer, who is copied on this correspondence.

You must complete your interview by November 5, 2011. After you and your interviewer have decided upon a mutually convenient date to conduct the interview, your interviewer will send that information back to me and the Office of Admissions.

You are able to interview in person on our Durham campus or via Skype should you not be able to travel. Information on how to travel to The Fuqua School of Business is available at fuqua.duke.edu/visit_fuqua/durham If you do not have a Skype account, information on downloading the free software is available at skype.com

We appreciate your interest in The MMS: Foundations of Business program. If you must cancel or reschedule your interview please contact your interviewer as soon as possible. For cancellations, please also contact the Office of Admissions directly at admissions-info@fuqua.duke.edu or +1.919.660.7705.

Best regards,

Anne-Caitlin Procopio

Anne-Caitlin Procopio

Admissions & Interview Coordinator

Duke University's Fuqua School of Business

100 Fuqua Drive, Box 90120, Durham, NC 27708-0120 USA

记得在选校的时候,张伟用老师将这个项目告诉我,第一眼我就看上了,简直和我的留学计划太合适了。立即决定作为第一选择。这里需要特别感谢下张老师,他不但将我的后期申请安排得仅仅有条,每一项工作都有专人负责,让我惊喜的是,还请Duke MMS 毕业生Susan 学姐做我的申请顾问,帮我解答了很多申请方面的疑问并全面介绍了学校的情况,也让我更加深入地了解杜克大学。同时也很感谢的各位老师,甘勇老师,Susan 学姐,郭晓娣老师等,是你们大家的帮助让我有了这么宝贵的面试机会。如果我能够获得录取,一定再写文章郑重感谢大家呀!



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