杰出市场/通讯团队(Outstanding Marketing/Communications Team)
•BPP University College
•伦敦时装学院(London College of Fashion)
优秀人力资源团队(Outstanding Human Resources Team)
优秀物业管理(Outstanding Estates Team)
•Bucks New University
•哈珀亚当斯大学学院(Harper Adams University College)
•摄政学院(Regent's College)
优秀财政团队(Outstanding Finance Team)
优秀图书馆团队(Outstanding Library Team)
•利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学(Liverpool John Moores University)
优秀科技创新团队(ICT Initiative of the Year)
优秀学生注册团队(Outstanding Registry Team)
杰出学生服务团队(Outstanding Student Services Team)
•Birkbeck, University of London
杰出的国际策略团队(Outstanding International Strategy)
优秀知识转化团队(Knowledge Exchange/Transfer Initiative of the Year)
• St George's, University of London with Kingston and Roehampton universities
优秀筹款团队(Outstanding University Fundraising Team)
优秀学生录取团队(Outstanding Student Admissions Team)
优秀院系管理团队(Outstanding Departmental Administration Team)
优秀采购团队(Outstanding Procurement Team)
最佳领导及管理团队(Outstanding Leadership and Management Team)