
2013年CUG版英国大学排名 剑桥大学位列第一

2012-10-17 作者:joe 来源:本站原创


据了解,英国大学指南(Complete University Guide)每年根据学生满意度、研究、入学水平、师生比例、学术经费、设施投入、毕业生出路、优等学位和完成学业比例等多个方面,对116所大学排名。今年新出炉的英国大学排行榜上,剑桥连续第二年在榜首傲视群雄。去年排第四位的伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)连升两级,紧挨着冠军。去年的第二名牛津大学和第三名帝国理工大学不敌LSE,分别成了第三和第四名。




英国大学指南(Complete University Guide)详细排名如下:

2013年排名 2012年排名 大学名称 入学水平 学生满意度 学术研究 毕业生出路 总分
1 1 Cambridge 593 4.2 2.98 84.4 1000
2 4 London School of Economics 526 4 2.96 87.8 996
3 2 Oxford 572 4.2 2.96 79.8 995
4 3 Imperial CollegeLondon 553 3.9 2.94 87.1 959
5 5 Durham 501 4.1 2.72 78.5 912
6 6 St Andrews 515 4.2 2.72 74.1 855
6 8 Warwick 496 4 2.8 77.6 855
8 7 University College London 495 4 2.84 79.9 847
9 9 Lancaster 409 4 2.71 73.6 841
10 10 Bath 457 4.1 2.71 79.1 824
11 11 Bristol 477 4.1 2.72 79.2 812
12 12 York 450 4.1 2.78 70.6 811
13 15 Exeter 456 4.1 2.62 73 809
14 19 Loughborough 391 4.1 2.62 72.1 803
15 14 Southampton 439 3.9 2.72 72 802
16 13 Edinburgh 470 3.8 2.75 74.5 801
17 21 Glasgow 459 4.1 2.59 77 792
18 16 King's College London 456 3.9 2.69 79.6 781
19 17 Nottingham 435 4 2.67 76 776
20 23 Leicester 407 4.1 2.45 65.1 774
21 19 Sussex 381 4.1 2.61 71.1 773
22 28 Surrey 394 4 2.58 72.5 772
23 22 Birmingham 433 3.9 2.64 74 769
23 24 Newcastle 425 4 2.63 76.5 769
25 31 Queen's, Belfast 383 3.9 2.56 71.9 754
26 33 Royal Holloway 394 4 2.67 66.1 750
27 27 East Anglia 393 4.1 2.58 62.8 749
28 26 Sheffield 443 4 2.72 72.7 745
29 29 Manchester 421 3.9 2.82 70.5 744
30 18 SOAS 408 3.8 2.6 64.5 743
31 30 Liverpool 406 3.9 2.54 71 740
32 34 Reading 374 4 2.53 69.3 737
33 34 Kent 348 4 2.6 69.6 732
34 25 Aston 379 4 2.43 75.7 729
34 32 Leeds 411 4 2.72 73 729
36 37 Cardiff 431 3.9 2.69 76.1 720
37 40 Strathclyde 435 3.9 2.45 72 710
38 41 City 370 3.9 2.48 71.7 703
39 38 Essex 326 4 2.77 53.7 701
40 38 Heriot-Watt 383 4 2.48 71.5 700
41 50 Brunel 342 4 2.32 61.3 699
42 36 Queen Mary 393 4 2.73 71.1 689
43 43 Dundee 371 4 2.54 68.2 665
44 46 Aberdeen 397 4 2.57 71.5 657
45 46 Oxford Brookes 323 3.9 2.2 64.1 643
46 44 Keele 335 4.1 2.41 71.8 641
47 48 Hertfordshire 294 3.9 2.4 60.7 628
48 59 University of the Arts, London 303 3.7 2.49 55.5 621
49 54 Swansea 341 3.8 2.43 66.3 615
50 57 Goldsmiths College 339 3.9 2.58 52.2 610
50 45 Stirling 332 4 2.41 60.5 610
52 51 Robert Gordon 332 4 2.06 78.4 609
53 67 Lincoln 315 4 1.9 67 606
54 60 Northumbria 314 3.9 2.15 63.6 604
55 42 Buckingham 271 4.4 76.4 602
56 62 Hull 325 4 2.37 67.8 599
57 58 Huddersfield 297 4.1 2.1 69.3 597
58 49 Aberystwyth 305 4.1 2.48 52.1 592
58 61 West of England, Bristol 297 3.9 2.2 65.1 592
60 52 Ulster 282 3.9 2.48 49.9 591

英国大学指南(Complete University Guide)详细排名如下:

2013年排名 2012年排名 大学名称 入学水平 学生满意度 学术研究 毕业生出路 总分
61 62 Bournemouth 324 3.7 2.18 65.1 586
62 55 Nottingham Trent 300 3.8 2.16 59.6 585
63 66 Birmingham City 280 3.9 2.31 61.9 581
63 53 Plymouth 300 3.9 2.18 62.4 581
65 72 Coventry 284 4 1.85 66.8 575
66 78 Bangor 293 4.1 2.43 61.9 573
67 56 Chichester 290 4.1 1.96 53.5 568
68 80 Chester 282 4 1.74 67.1 561
69 65 Central Lancashire 294 3.9 1.96 57.7 555
70 68 Brighton 289 3.9 2.37 52.7 554
71 73 Bradford 277 3.9 2.34 69 553
72 62 Sheffield Hallam 302 3.8 2.05 57.6 550
73 77 Westminster 290 3.7 2.23 59.3 549
74 75 Gloucestershire 286 4 1.72 53.3 548
75 85 Bath Spa 301 4 1.89 53.7 544
76 70 Winchester 287 3.9 2.16 51 543
77 81 Portsmouth 287 4 2.24 61.9 540
78 97 Salford 283 3.8 2.36 56.4 539
79 68 Cardiff Metropolitan 271 4 1.88 52.2 538
80 81 De Montfort 283 4 2.32 56 537
81 76 Glasgow Caledonian 331 3.8 2.01 55.5 533
82 103 Bedfordshire 207 3.9 2.09 57.4 527
83 71 Middlesex 219 3.9 2.18 55.5 523
84 87 Queen Margaret 328 3.8 1.37 56.8 517
85 88 Kingston 278 3.8 2.04 56.6 514
86 93 Manchester Metropolitan 291 3.8 2.16 58.1 511
87 100 Canterbury Christ Church 255 3.9 1.79 62.9 510
88 73 Roehampton 258 3.9 2.2 60.1 503
89 91 Sunderland 274 4 1.86 50.2 502
90 101 Liverpool John Moores 268 3.9 2.15 51.8 500
91 84 Edinburgh Napier 290 3.9 1.83 65.4 496
91 83 Glamorgan 286 3.9 2.04 54.9 496
93 107 Buckinghamshire New 231 3.9 1.67 48.7 492
94 98 Edge Hill 262 4 1.5 62 491
95 95 Leeds Metropolitan 261 3.8 2.05 53.6 488
95 79 University for the Creative Arts 260 3.8 1.9 49.5 488
97 90 Teesside 288 4 1.99 58.6 484
98 86 Cumbria 262 3.8 1.23 60.4 478
98 108 Derby 273 4 1.96 52.2 478
100 104 Glyndwr 212 4 1.69 66.9 477
101 105 Northampton 238 3.9 1.69 50.4 475
102 109 Greenwich 252 4 1.9 55.1 473
103 102 York St John 280 4 1.4 53.1 469
104 92 Trinity Saint David 244 3.8 2.11 51.1 468
105 89 University of Wales, Newport 257 3.9 2.42 50 458
106 110 Anglia Ruskin 240 3.9 2.07 54.8 456
107 106 Worcester 282 4 1.54 56.2 453
108 99 Staffordshire 246 3.9 1.62 58.9 452
109 116 London South Bank 211 3.8 2.24 61 432
109 93 West London 229 3.8 1.67 53.8 432
111 95 Abertay Dundee 277 3.9 1.83 48.8 413
112 111 Southampton Solent 265 3.8 1.49 41.9 398
113 112 West of Scotland 269 3.9 1.84 58.2 394
114 115 London Metropolitan 224 3.7 1.84 47.9 358
115 113 East London 195 3.9 2.24 48.6 313
116 114 Bolton 230 3.9 1.75 41.4 312

专业 该专业所属的最好大学
Accounting & Finance London School of Economics
Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering Cambridge
Agriculture and Forestry Reading
American Studies Warwick
Anatomy & Physiology Cardiff
Anthropology Cambridge
Archaeology Cambridge
Architecture Bath
Art & Design Oxford
Biological Sciences Cambridge
Building University College London
Business Studies Cambridge
Celtic Studies Cambridge
Chemical Engineering Cambridge
Chemistry Cambridge
Civil Engineering Oxford
Classics & Ancient History Cambridge
Communication and Media Studies Cambridge
Computer Science Warwick
Dentistry Warwick
Drama, Dance and Cinematics Glasgow
East and South Asian Studies Cambridge
Economics London School of Economics
Education Cambridge
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Cambridge
English Oxford
Food Science King's College London
French Oxford
General Engineering Cambridge
Geography & Environmental Science Cambridge
Geology Cambridge
German Oxford
History Cambridge
History of Art, Architecture and Design Cambridge
Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism Surrey
Iberian Languages Oxford
Italian Cambridge
Land and Property Management Cambridge
Law Cambridge
Librarianship & Information Management Robert Gordon
Linguistics Cambridge
Materials Technology Cambridge
Mathematics Oxford
Mechanical Engineering Cambridge
Medicine Cambridge
Middle Eastern and African Studies Oxford
Music Oxford
Nursing Edinburgh
Other Subjects Allied to Medicine Glasgow
Pharmacology & Pharmacy Nottingham
Philosophy Oxford
Physics & Astronomy Cambridge
Politics Oxford
Psychology Cambridge
Russian Oxford
Social Policy London School of Economics
Social Work Lancaster
Sociology Cambridge
Sports Science Loughborough
Theology & Religious Studies Cambridge
Town and Country Planning and Landscape Cambridge
Veterinary Medicine Glasgow



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