
世界各国最受欢迎的城市 全球学霸必去的十大胜地



1.Paris, France


“To study in Paris is to be born in Paris。” Victor Hugo,Les Misérables. Paris retains the top spot this year because of its strongchoice of universities and a good showing across the metrics. Vivela différence!


2. Melbourne, Australia


Up from fifth in last year’s table, Melbourne is perhaps an unlikely runner-up.Its success is down to scoring full marks for its mix of students and a strongshowing across the range of metrics – giving Australia two of the top fivecities in the list. Melbourne prides itself on inclusivity, and claims to havestarted the first gay and lesbian radio station in the world。


3. London, England


“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life,” said Samuel Johnson.When a student is tired of London, they might finally get started on theirdissertation. London scores very well for its mix of students, “employeractivity” and range of strong universities, but falls from last year’s numbertwo position because of its high cost of living。


4. Sydney, Australia


“If Paris is the city of lights, Sydney is the city of fireworks,” said BazLuhrmann. That probably isn’t true – you can’t buy fireworks in Sydney withouta license. But you can still trust him on the sunscreen. Sydney doesn’t fair well on affordability, but its strong showing on the “desirability” and “employer activity” metrics propel it to fourth in the list。

Baz Luhrmann 曾说过,“如果巴黎是光影之城,那悉尼就是烟火之城”。然而,这显然是句谎言,因为没有许可证,你在悉尼是买不到烟火的。然而,悉尼毫无疑问是一位出色的光线处理师。悉尼在“负担能力”上的得分并不高,但是,在“满意度”和“雇主活跃度”上的优异表现使其位居第4。

5. Hong Kong,China


Hong Kong is home to more skyscrapers than any other city, boasts 24 countryparks and even has its own Disneyland. No wonder it scores so well for studentdesirability. Hong Kong also gets the highest score for affordability of any ofthe top 10 cities, and QS has consistently rankedHong Kong University in the top three higher education institutions in Asia。


6. Boston, US


Boston gets the full 100 points for “employer activity” and benefits fromproximity to top universities such as Harvard and the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology。


7. Tokyo, Japan


Tokyo is the most populous area in the world, with over 13 million inhabitants.Despite a very low score for student mix, its “desirability” and “employeractivity” see Tokyo surge up from 17th in last year’s table。


8. Montreal, Canada


Montreal is sometimes said to be two cities in one, due to the 19 miles ofunderground tunnels beneath it. They house all kinds of student fare, such ascinemas, bars and shopping malls. Montreal has the second highest score forstudent mix and moves up from 9th position last year。


9. Toronto, Canada


Canadians hold more degrees than anyone else, and Toronto is where they aregoing to get them; it’s home to the University of Toronto, York University andRyerson University .Toronto rises four places on last year’s ranking toenter the top 10, largely due to a high score for “desirability” and itsdiverse mix of students。


10. Seoul, South Korea


Those who haven’t heard of Seoul will at least know of the wealthy Gangnamdistrict that it houses. The K-pop hit “Gangnam Style” was the first YouTubevideo to rack up a billion views. Seoul makes it into the top 10 because of itsrange of strong universities and high “employer activity” score, but studentsmay also be interested to know that McDonald’s in Seoul runs a 24-hour deliveryservice。



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