Hartwig Braun的伦敦 绚丽的伦敦
大概在很多人的印象中,伦敦这个“雾都”总因为有着太多不太喜人的天气而变得灰蒙蒙的缺少生机吧?不过在Hartwig Braun的笔下,伦敦就变得活泼又色彩绚丽。
他的作品中有对伦敦不同区域的俯瞰描绘。比如伦敦东部、格林威治、金融城、伦敦眼、塔桥、特拉法尔加广场、TATE Modern等地。
另外,还有爱丁堡和卡迪夫这两个城市的作品。 而明快亮丽的用色、可爱的线条、夸张的笔法,让他的作品看起来既独特,又充满了活力和趣味。
现在,在伦敦格林威治区的“Arty Globe gallery”中可以欣赏并购买到这些地图作品。
地址:15 Greenwich Market,London SE10 9HZ
London Looking East
Taking in many celebrated landmarks over central London, over to the east and the City, this is one of my most complex and intricate images completed to date. Starting at the left corner; looking high above Buckingham Palace with Pall Mall in the foreground, the Post Office Tower and Centre Point to the left; spanning Westminster, the London Eye, County Hall, City Hall and the South Bank – all the way over to the City and east. St Paul’s Cathedral, the Gherkin and Tower 42 in the City are all perched high on the far right horizon with the Tower of London and Tower Bridge glimpsed in the background.
London Looking East
London Looking East