第一种是配对选项少于题目,例如Cambridge 7 Test 3 Section 3
In what time periodcan data from the float projects help with the following things?
Writethe correct letter, A, Bor C, next to questions 26-30.
AAt present
BIn the near future
CIn the long-term future
26understanding of El Niño ....................
27understanding of climate change ....................
28naval rescues ....................
29sustainable fishing practices ....................
30crop selection ....................
第二种是配对选项多于题目,例如Cambridge 5 Test 4 Section 3
Which opinion doeseach person express about Box Telecom?
Choose your answersfrom the box and write the letters A-F next to questions 28-30.
A its workers are motivated
B it has too little investment
C it will overcome its problems
D its marketing campaign needs improvement
E it is old-fashioned
F it has strong managers
28Karin ....................
29Jason ....................
30the tutor ....................
据不完全统计,在2016年的雅思听力考试中,2月13日的Section 3题型为单选+配对;
2月27日的Section 3题型为单选+配对;
3月5日的Section 3题型为填空+单选+配对;
6月25日的Section 2题型为配对+选择,Section 3为单选+配对;
8月27日的Section 3题型为多选+配对。
以Cambridge 5 Test 4 Section 3为例,建议雅思烤鸭首先抓住顺序性原则,以题干为基础,Q28-30的题目均是人名,不会出现同义词替换,定位非常容易。
Which opinion doeseach person express about Box Telecom?
Choose your answersfrom the box and write the letters A-F next to questions 28-30.
A its workers are motivated
B it has too little investment
C it will overcome its problems
D its marketing campaign needs improvement
E it is old-fashioned
F it has strong managers
28Karin ....................
29Jason ....................
30the tutor ....................
Karin: Yes, I think I can dothat. Personally I’ve got great hopes for it. I think it will recover (28).
根据说话的人确定是Karin,烤鸭们记下的词应该是recover,那么,回顾选项,我们会发现C选项里的overcome its problems解释了recover。
Thatadvertising campaign they did was very innovative with their products-they setnew trends. The company’s got to recover, don't you think, Jason?
Jason:Hmmm-I’m not sure. Ithink it ca but it’s not a forgone conclusion unless they manage to attract theright level of investment. The company definitely needs a boost(29)
根据说话的人确定是Jason,烤鸭们首先定位到investment,然后记下need a boost,那么,我们会发现B选项里的too littleinvestment正好匹配。
and to attract more highly skilledworkers if their recovery is to be long-lasting. When I was talking to themarketing manager he said to me that he thinks the company had got a greatmanagement team-but he would say that, wouldn’t he?- but they are sufferingfrom having to work with outdated production machinery and that could cost alot to put right.
Tutor:Well, personally, l think the stock market is toblame. I think they were expecting too much of the company and then inevitablyit looked had when it didn't perform. The market should have had more realisticexpectations.And I disagree with you about the advertising campaign Karin.That’s where they could do with some innovation(30)
- to get sales kick-started.Anyway, let’s see what you come up with… (fade)
接下来,我们来详细分析一下Cambridge 7 Test 3 Section 3这个选项少于题目的配对题。
In what time periodcan data from the float projects help with the following things?
Writethe correct letter, A, Bor C, next to questions 26-30.
AAt present
BIn the near future
CIn the long-term future
26understanding of El Niño....................
27understanding of climate change....................
28naval rescues....................
29sustainable fishing practices....................
30crop selection....................
You say you’re building models of the world’s oceansystems, but how’re they going to be used? And more importantly, when?
Some of the data has already helped in completingprojects. For example, our understanding of the underlying causes of El Ninoevents is being confirmed by float data. (26)
这一句当中的定位词是El Nino, 而这个词出现的句子中的时态是现在进行时,所以对应选项A。
Anotherway we’re using float data is to help us to understand mechanics of climatechange, like global warming and ozone depletion. That’s part of an ongoingvariability study but the results are still a long way off. (27)
这一句当中的定位词是climate change,而这个词出现的句子中出现的时间提示a long way off即需要记下的笔记,所以,对应选项C。
However, this is not the case withour ocean weather forecasting. Because we know from the floats what theprevailing weather conditions will be in certain parts of the ocean, we canadvise the navy on search and rescue missions, that’s happening right now. (28)
这一句当中的定位词只是navy, rescues在听力原文中和on search并列,而这个词出现的句子中出现的时间提示right now即需要记下的笔记,所以,对应选项A。
and may yachtsmen owetheir lives to the success of this project. In addition, the float data canhelp us to look at the biological implications of ocean processes.
Would that help with preserving fish stocks?
Yes, and advising governments on fisheries legislation.We’re well on the way to completing a project on this, we hope it will helpto bring about more sustainable fishing practices, we’ll be seeing the resultsof that quite soon.(29)
这一句当中的定位词是fishingpractices,而这个词出现的句子中出现的时间提示quite soon即需要记下的笔记,所以,对应选项B。
It sounds like the data from floats has lots ofapplications. Yes it does. It’s also a powerful agricultural tool. If wewere aware of what the weather would be like, say next year, we could make surethat the farmers planted appropriate grain varieties to produce the best yieldfrom the available rainfall. That sounds a bit like science fiction, especiallywhen now we can’t even tell them when the draught will break. I agree that thisconcept is still a long way in the future,(30)
这一句当中的定位词是crop selection,整个录音里并没有出现原词,所以这题较难。
Crop(农作物)在录音中的替换是grain(谷物),selection在录音中是farmers planted appropriate grain varieties to produce the bestyield from the available rainfall的解释,整个词出现的句子中出现的时间提示a long way in thefuture即需要记下的笔记,所以,对应选项C。
but it will come eventually and the float data will have made acontribution.
¶atpresent = now / right now / current(ly) / recent(ly)
¶inthe near future = quite / very soon
¶inthe long-term future = a long way in the future / in long term run / a long wayoff