
GMAT考试新政汇总 时间缩短取消成绩能恢复

2015-12-11 来源:转载


Cancelled Scores Removed from Score Reports


1. The “C” that represents a candidate’s cancelled scores will not be shown on any future GMAT score reports generated by GMAC. This means that when a test taker cancels their score, only the test taker will know. This feature will be applied retroactively to all previously cancelled test scores, which will be removed from all future score reports that are sent to schools. However, score reports with cancelled scores have already been sent to schools, they can’t be modified.

1. 取消的考试,在成绩单上将不再有记录。同时这项新规定将适用于之前所有取消的考试,也就是说之前只要是取消的考试,在成绩单上都不会有记录。然而,如果有C标记的成绩单已经发送到学校的话,这个是C是不能去掉的。

2. Removing cancelled scores from the score reports will help candidates gain more control and confidence of their GMAT experience—something that candidates have repeatedly asked for. In a survey of more than 3,000 students, 85% of respondents indicated that they would like to see the “C” removed from their score reports. This feature will also help deter any misinterpretations of cancelled scores in candidate profiles.

2. 调查显示,3000学生中,有85%的人愿意他们的成绩单中没有C的标记。

Repeat Exams Allowed after 16 Days第二、两次考试的间隔缩短到16天

1. Candidates have the option to retake the GMAT exam after a 16-day time period (versus the current 31-day retake period). This allows candidates the flexibility to retake the exam within a shorter period of time in order to accommodate their schedules, study habits, peak performance times, and/or school deadlines.

1. 两次考试间隔从31天缩短到16天

2. As always, candidates can’t exceed five GMAT exams within a 12-month period.

2. 没变的是,考生12个月内,最多参加5次GMAT考试

Authentication Code Replaced with Date of Birth


1. Candidates will be able to view their Official Score Report online using their date of birth to authenticate their access. A separate authentication code will no longer be issued at the test center.

1. 考生可以用自己的出生日期获取正式成绩单

2. This change is expected to streamline the process for candidates to access their GMAT scores—and everyone likes one less password/code to remember.

2. 我就是记不住密码,记不住就不用记啦,不要忘记出生日期就OK啦(哈哈,意会哈)


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