


英国邓迪大学(University of Dundee, www.dundee.ac.uk)是一所百年的传统综合大学。邓迪大学在2007年泰晤士报世界大学排名中位列171名;卫报英国大学综合排名2009年位列17名。2008RAE英国高等院校的科研评估结果中,大学的54%的科学研究具备了“国际领先”或者“国际优秀”的水平。在泰晤士报的优秀学校指南中,邓迪大学是2004年和2008年“英国优秀大学”,2005年被誉为全英教学质量第一。邓迪大学的大部分学院被评定为全英前十。科学家杂志宣布邓迪大学是2004年和2005年欧洲最适宜科学家工作的地方。大学的校长Sir James Black 在2006年获得了诺贝尔医学奖。




2008年独立优良大学指南 全英排名前五位



MFA美术 MSc多媒体艺术 MSc 动画与视觉 MDes设计

MSc 鉴证和医学艺术 MSc工艺品和创新商务 MSc人种设计学


历届学生和毕业生赢得的荣誉很好的证明了我们在艺术与设计教学上的成功。在2008年的新设计师展览会上(New Designer exhibition),邓肯约旦斯通成为获项大赢家。2008年上海国际学生双年展,两名来自我院的设计系学生获奖。来自媒体设计和创新产品设计的学生作为英国唯一代表参加了位于美国西雅图的微软2008年设计展。伦敦电影(协会),More4和蛇形艺术画廊(Serpentine Gallery)授奖给毕业于邓肯约旦斯通艺术设计学院美术系的Luke Fowler,他成为首位被授予贾曼奖(Jarman Award)的电影制作艺术家。毕业于动画系的Reza Dolatabadi,在2008年伦敦金丝雀码头电影节中获得最佳动画短片奖。目前我们有3名来自中国的学生获得奖学金在攻读博士研究生学位。相当多的中国毕业生回国后在各大设计公司担任着重要职位。

Master of Fine Art


Entry Requirements 入学要求

Applicants should have a first or upper second class honours degree in a visual discipline. Those with other qualifications or relevant professional experience will also be considered.申请者要有一个一等或二等以上的荣誉学位,其他证书或与专业相关的经历也将允与考虑。

English Language Requirement: IELTS of 6.0 英语语言要求:雅思6.0

Fees and Funding

Academic YearHome/EUOverseas海外留学生


Sources of Funding

Information about the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design scholarships

DJCAD Outstanding International Postgraduate Student Scholarship

£1,500 Scholarship towards tuition fees or as a stipend for one year only for international fee paying students who are starting a masters course in DJCAD in 2012. You will also need to demonstrate academic excellence and / or significant achievement in your chosen field of study.

Living Costs

· Dundee is ranked as one of the most affordable places for students to live in the UK, and the cost of living is around 15% cheaper than the UK average.生活费比伦敦地区平均低15%。

· Increasing numbers of students are successfully undertaking part-time work to supplement their income. You can get advice from our Careers Service, both about job opportunities and how to find a suitable study/work/life balance. EU and international students are also allowed to work up to 20 hours per week. 一周可以做不超过20小时的兼职。

· As a student in Scotland, you have free access to the National Health Service. Visits to doctors and hospitals, as well as prescriptions, sight tests and dental checkups, are available free of charge.


With the application form, candidates should upload the following:除了申请表,申请者还需要提交的材料有:

· Project Proposal 研究计划

300-500 words setting out the context and focus of your area of study. The proposal should state the research question or issue that you wish to address, demonstrating knowledge of work already done in the area by other artists and detailing your relevant skills. Outline what value the project will have for your practice as an artist and what benefits it will bring to others. The proposal will be treated as open and flexible and will evolve as your study progresses.

· Portfolio作品集

An electronic portfolio (PowerPoint or PDF) of 20 images showing previous art work including a short explanation of the project and evidence of process. (Images 72dpi and no larger than 1024x768). For online portfolios, please provide the URL. All work in portfolios must be candidate's own work and a written declaration of this should be included in the 'Additional information' section. Group work may of course be included, indicating your contribution.一份20张图片的电子作品集(幻灯片或者PDF文件)



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