考过了雅思和托福、专四又专八,却依旧看不懂大洋彼岸校园里的明媚与忧伤;读过很多留学指导,却依旧摸不透招生官的心在何方……于是,世纪君做出了一个果断的决定:联手美国American Campus杂志,独家奉上美国留学系列文章,你想要的,这里都有哦~
To paraphrase George Bernard Shaw, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are two universities divided by a common city: Cambridge, just across the river from Boston.
But while Harvard and MIT may be worlds apart in many ways, the presence of these two world-class institutions makes the place they share a vibrant destination.
MIT – Masters of Technology
Patrick Gillooly/MIT; Thinkstock
The first computers that could work in real time were pioneered at MIT.
The strobelights that enable people to make photocopies and take pictures were invented here.
An MIT chemist’s synthesis of penicillin enabled a lab curiosity to be manufactured in quantity.
When you hear the term “mapping the human genome,” you should know that many of the biological cartographers who created that map and sequenced the genome were from MIT.
“From the get-go, MIT has been about finding practical solutions to problems,” says Deborah Douglas, curator of science and technology at the MIT Museum. “When it started, it was the problems of an industrializing world. They didn’t limit themselves to modest problems then, and we still don’t.”
Yet with all the science that goes on here, MIT’s central architectural feature is truly a work of art: the 150-foot-high, 108-foot-wide Great Dome that is both the heart and symbol of MIT. The diameter of its oculus – or skylight – is 27 feet, the same as the one in the Pantheon in Rome, which inspired it.
在这么宏伟壮观的建筑里学习生活的究竟是什么样的人呢?戴着厚厚的眼镜,抱着一摞摞书,成天宅在实验室里搞研究的“技术宅”?No, no, no!世纪君在这里要为麻省理工的学子们正名一下:他们绝对是天才,但真的不全是大家想象中木讷的书呆子呀!
MIT sailors practice on the Charles River with a view of the Boston skyline. Melanie Gonick/MIT
But let’s be honest. When people think of MIT, they’re thinking Pentagon, not Pantheon. The idea that everyone here is working on a secret military project – that the students are a bunch of genius-nerds who prefer to spend Saturday night with a semiconductor – is the sort of stereotype the institute has had for decades. It’s a misconception, of course: The perfectly normal-looking undergraduates in the hallways surrounding the dome don’t look like lonely geniuses at all.
Harvard – Big Names on Campus
Patrick Gillooly/MIT; Thinkstock
“If you ask people to name a famous MIT graduate,” says Douglas, the MIT museum curator, “there’s a long pause. And it’s really embarrassing for people in MIT just how long that pause is.”
Not so in Harvard Yard, where my student tour guide rattles off the names of celebrities who lived or worked or did something in the buildings, old and new, that surround us. Here’s where Al Gore and his roommate Tommy Lee Jones lived. There’s where Bill Gates shared his room with future Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. This is where Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton and Mother Teresa spoke. Matt Damon lived in this house.
Enter Harvard Yard, and what gets everyone oohing and aahing is the first building we see: Straus Hall, where Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg lived during his freshman year.
Jon Chase/Harvard Staff Photographer
Nearby, a crowd has gathered around the statue in the center of the yard. The figure is identified as “John Harvard, Founder, 1638.” As depicted in The Social Network, the 2010 film about Zuckerberg and the founding of Facebook, this is the Statue of Three Lies. Many in the crowd have obviously watched the movie, since they know all three.
John Harvard was not the founder of the university. He made a large donation of books and money. The university – originally known simply as the New College – was founded in 1636, not 1638. The man in the statue, carved in 1884 by sculptor Daniel Chester French, is not John Harvard, but one Sherman Hoar, later a US congressman.