英国高等教育最新统计 国际学生最多的大学和专业
International student statistics: UK higher education(国际学生统计:英国高等教育)结果由The Higher Education Statistics Agency(HESA)于14/01/16第一次统计发布。
英国高等教育2013-14学年domicile, level and mode欧盟(EU)(不包括英国)和非欧盟国际学生
(International students in UK HE by domicile, level and mode,European Union (EU) (excluding UK) and non-EU, 2013-14)
数据来源于:HESA 'Students in Higher Education 2013-14'
Higher Education qualifications obtained in 2013-14
数据来源于:HESA 'Students in Higher Education 2013-14'
International student numbers by UK nation and English regions 2014-15
数据来源于:HESA First Statistical Release 224 (2014-15)
请注意,Total = full time, part time non-UK students (EU and non-EU)
Sex of international students 2013-14
数据来源于:HESA 'Students in Higher Education 2013-14'
Top EU sending countries
数据来源于: HESA First Statistical Release 224 (2014-15)
Top Ten non-EU sending countries
请注意,Thailand entered the top ten countries in 2014-15 and Canada fell to 11th place.
数据来源于:HESA First Statistical Release 224 (2014-15)
International student numbers by subject area 2013-14
数据来源于:HESA 'Students in Higher Education 2013-14'
如上图,英国大学专业中,商业&管理研究(Business & administrative studies)、工程和技术(Engineering and technology)、法律(Law)、建筑,建设与规划(Architecture, building and planning)和大众传播(Mass communications & documentation)国际学生人数最多。
Top 20 largest recruiters of international students 2014-15
如上图,英国大学中,伦敦大学学院(University College London)、曼彻斯特大学(The University of Manchester)、爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh) 、考文垂大学(Coventry University)和谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield)国际学生人数最多。
数据来源于:HESA First Statistical Release 224 (2014-15)
请注意,totals include EU and non-EU students, full-time and part-time study.
Students studying wholly overseas for a UK qualification
数据来源于:HESA 'Students in Higher Education 2013-14'
Level and location of study of students studying wholly overseas 2013-14 (top 10 countries)
数据来源于:HESA 'Students in Higher Education 2013-2014'