2015学生满意度调查 就业服务最佳的英国大学
日前,英国大学学生服务类信息网站——Student Crowd根据最新的调查显示:就业服务最佳的英国大学是巴斯大学(University of Bath)。
据悉,Student Crow通过调查近5000名英国大学生(reviewed by 4,986 students),根据这些学生对所在学校提供的就业服务的满意度,评选出The Top 10 University Career Services(英国大学就业服务排名)。
那么,这方面最好的Top 10是哪些英国大学?
4986名学生在2015年完成的审查,10所大学在Career Services获得最好的平均分。
How have the Top 10 achieved student satisfaction?
1st. University of Bath
Average rating:4.91 / 5
2nd. Durham University
Average rating:4.83 / 5
3rd. Aston University
Average rating:4.77 / 5
4th. University of Strathclyde
Average rating:4.75 / 5
5th. University of Exeter
Average rating:4.69 / 5
6th. University of Dundee
Average rating:4.67 / 5
7th. University of Glasgow
Average rating:4.63 / 5
8th. University of Edinburgh
Average rating:4.62 / 5
9th. University of Warwick
Average rating:4.6 / 5
10th. University of Hull
Average rating:4.59 / 5